Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Regular Update

Alright guys, I promise you I will not give up on this Blog thing. The situation stands that Jason and I seem to lose internet access on a regular basis so I can't do much at home. I check my mail at work but as I still have a month of rookie...umm...ness left I feel 'blogging' at work would not be a good idea.
Things with me are pretty darn good at the moment. I could not find a ride up to RAGBRAI last week so I didn't ride, although I did drive up alone one night and partied with my team. There is NO ONE that can prevent me from going the full week next year. Talk about a young, single, firefighter's dream! I'll spare the details, but it was awesome.
I bought a grill recently and so my cooking skills have expanded exponentially.
Some of our neighbors are recent Coe and Cornell College grads and so I am slowly gaining friends. The one roommate "Kari" is very pretty and cool. She runs marathons and I think I shall ask her out on a date soon. I'm such a nerd.
Work has been extreamly slow recently (which is a good thing overall, I suppose) and I have been working on Truck 1. This means that any fire in the city I will respond to. This also means we can go anywhere in the city regardless, so last shift we ate at Texas Roadhouse for dinner. AWESOME!
That is just about it for now, I promise I will keep updating the blog even if it takes a while. Hopefully we will figure out our internet situation soon. Take care y'all!