Monday, October 13, 2008


Hello all! I'm sure none of you look at this anymore but I told mom that I was going to update it so I'm sure you will hear about it. Things are, for the most part, pretty regular here. I just got back from Anniston, Alabama. Went down there with the fire department to take a WMD Haz Mat class. (Yeah, like there will be a WMD attack in Iowa) It was a lot of fun and on the last day we did some exercies surrounded by real VX gas (the same stuff seen on the movie The Rock). They used 1200 times the lethal dose for a human being, but didn't tell us that until after we were done. So far I havn't bled from my eyes or fell on the ground with a seizure so I guess I'm ok. Maybe that joke was over the line.
Will be in Chicago this weekend with my roommate John. He is doing the Urbanatholon. I guess it's a 10 mile race with barricades, cabs, and steps involved. I don't think I'm in good enough shape to do as good as I want so I will go for support.
Think I will go as Tom Cruise from Risky Buisness for Halloween.
Sadly, that is about it for new stuff going on with me. Like I said, I lead a very boring life.
Monica, thanks for the football picture of the boys.
Love and miss you guys!
PS-oh, I'm kinda sorta dating someone. Her name is Rachael and she is a paramedic for the ambulance service in town.