Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A dearest apology, a birthday, and a socialist/time-doing/sex tape star

First off, I must deeply apologize to the Shreiber and Droll families. My eldest sister, Monica, and her family were in the Eastern Iowa area (more specifically, Tipton) and I did not go to see them. Why did I blow them off? do you ask? Well, other then a few insignificant errands, I completely forgot about it. My mom informed me of the visit a while ago, but for some reason I did not put it on my calender. (If it's not on one of my three calenders, it doesnt not exsist to me) And since our internet went down for a couple of days that week, I did not read her email reminding me of the visit. So do I blame my mom for this? No. I'm an idiot. Monica, Eric, Max, Jay and Ally, I am so sorry I missed you guys.
You see, I have gotten old enough to the point where I really want to see my neices and nephews. In college, they were semi-regular little people to me, it sounds bad but I was very immature and preoccupied. Now, I really miss those little rug-rats and I am sick to my stomach that I let this oppourtunity pass right through my fingers.

Also, I apologize to Meleah. Mia and I have a special bond together and I miss you a lot. So when she (you) sent me a not-so-nice email, I took it to heart and I'm sorry that I missed the event.

Also, Chris had his birthday a few days ago (I remember because it was on my calender) and while I was about to call him (most likey a huge surprise), I found out that he was in Washington DC, so I didn't bother. Crissy, tell Chris that I remembered and that I wish him a belated Happy Birthday.

And finally, Paris Hilton is a waste of space. I have to push down my murderous feelings toward the media on a regular basis when I think of all the time they have wasted covering her entire jail sentence. We have troops dying overseas and people dying from floods right here in America, yet they decide to cover every minute of Paris Hilton. I find it disgusting. Her sex tape wasn't even THAT great! Wow. As in the words of my sister Monica, Later Y'all!


Meleah said...

Um yeah. Sorry about that e-mail. I was snotty cuz I miss you too!
I didn't call Chris either, and I didn't even know they were in D.C. I just blew it off. By the way, today is Dad's birthday, just in case you don't check your calendars today. :)
Take care, love ya like a brother :) And Brad will probably be a new father by the time you read this!

Schreiber family said...

The kids were asking, "Where's Uncle Nick?" "Is Uncle NIck coming home?" NOT to give you a guilt trip or anything.......
Really, don't worry. We will see you again in December. I'd love for everyone to come to Ohio for Christmas!!! Just putting it out there.
I am very proud of your accomplishments. You are a busy guy with a lot on your mind. We will not hold it against you1 :)

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

Meleah said...

Dude you need to post more often. Tell us work stories or SOMETHING. I know your life is more interesting than you think.
Since you're not returning my e-mail, what did you do on the 4th? You realize that if someone kidnapped you we wouldn't know until months later because you refuse to return our e-mails/phone calls.