Thursday, February 21, 2008

I swear I'm going to make this Blog work

If anyone has noticed (which I'm not entirely sure anyone has) I now have internet access at my place. I promised that I would keep this Blog going and so I shall.

I wrote a very abbreviated summery of the past six months which, I'm sad to say, pretty much wrapped up what I've done since my ast post. Jason and I did get another roommate John, who is another 20-something firefighter who has just gone through a divorce. Guys on the job have labeled our condo "station 10" and have assumed that we go out every night, get drunk and chase loose women. In actuality, we sit around and watch Band of Brothers. Which is a great mini-series, but doesn't resolve my 'non-girlfriend' issue. As of right now, once again I may be the only Miller at Christmas without a spouse nor any offspring, American-born or not.

On the employment front, I have joined the Linn County Hazardous Materials team and have put my name in the running to join the local USAR (Urban Search And Rescue) team. If I get selected, I could travel to anywhere in America if (God forbid) another 9/11 or Katrina happens.

I hope everyone is doing well with their adoption/random sickness/horse castrations.

Take care.

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