Tuesday, March 4, 2008

you want to know what Ive been up to recently? Mostly this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jezSeQnfCg .
I have also started to play an uneasy amount of Guitar Hero with John. But all is not lost on me yet, I think I have a date Thursday. Her name is Noelle and she is a teacher. I realized that I hadn't been on a 'date' for roughly...3 years? That is just rediculous.
Otherwise, nothin new is really going on. Im still getting guilted into working at Linn Co. EMA, Still love waking up and going to work, the regular.
Everyone take care.


Schreiber family said...

Sooooooo.....how did the date go? Blogger tip: You can't state something like, I have my first date in three years, and not follow up!

Meleah said...

Yeah. How WAS the date? I love the name Noelle. After Hattie was born, I told Dave if we had another kid and it was a girl that one her names would be Noelle. Hmmm...I guess I really stuck to my guns on that one. Heh.

Meleah said...

Oh. And classy pic. You're not doing much to disspell the "myth" that all you do is drink and chase loose women.