Thursday, May 24, 2007

The 5K commith

I'm going to say right away that I am not a good runner anymore. Sure I had my days, 3 time state champion, EIHC conference record holder, current record holder of 2 Tipton High events, NCAA national qualifier...
Sorry about that, have to relive the glory days when you havn't done anything good as of recent.
Anywho, during my training I was talking to our special operations captain (big runner) about...well, running.
So when the 7th annual CRFD 5K came around, Captain Dall put me and another firefighter in charge. As a rookie. Ive never even ran in this race, let alone help run it.
So now the race is Saturday and Im very nervous about how it will go. I had to go around and as businesses to donate doorprizes (which I hate), talk to people on the phone (which I hate), and do all the crappy busy work (eh, wasn't that bad). The cool thing is that I work that day so for the whole morning I don't have to work. Which saying that outloud, sucks because I love work. Although...Rookie of the Year, here I come baby!


natther said...

Don't panic… you watched how Vog ran meets/running events all those years, and I'm sure you picked up some knowledge. Look at it this way, it will either be great and you will have to do the event forever, or it won't, and you'll never have to worry about it again.

Personally, I liked the recap of your running career, however didn't you forget the State XC qualifier? I enjoyed all your hard work :)

Meleah said...

So, how did it go?

natther said...

Hey, surely you have done something since May 26. Let's hear about it.

Schreiber family said...

Hey! You obviously have impressed him, or he wouldn't have put that kind of responsibility on you. That's awesome! I'm sure you did great. Soo......what Meleah'd it go?